
General Resources

Articles, FP coach contributions, Facilitation and Tips for best-practice delivery of our world-class training programs

Marketing Collateral

You will find the latest catalogue, brochures, sales copy and template proposals here to deploy in winning your next deal!

Multi-day Programs

These modular programs covering: Attitude, Engagements, Leadership, Culture, Sales and Productivity can be customised and delivered in any timetable your client requests.

The Success Series One Day Programs

These accelerated learning programs offer 1- day dynamic workshops that will provide fresh insights and boost results dramatically!

Exit Strategy Training (potholes)

The Potholes program is a comprehensive 43 point program to help business owners prepare for the exit of their business. To gain access to the materials and training videos, please register for the program.

Setting and achieving goals

This is a coaching program to leverage with clients. It may also be delivered as a workshop. The objective of this program is to provide the tools and support to assist clients in turning vision into reality through effective and efficient goal-setting. In this powerful program, clients become the architect of their own destiny as they learn to:  

Understand Goals and Determine Your True Goals; Clarify Your Values; Create a Plan of Action; Manage Your Time Well; Discipline Yourself to Focus and more.

Time Management Mastery

This is a coaching program to leverage with clients. It may also be delivered as a workshop. The objective of this program is to provide the tools and support to assist clients in turning vision into reality through effective and efficient use of time. In this powerful program, clients become the architect of their own destiny as they learn to:  

Develop a mindset of professional and personal performance; Plan and Prioritize each day’s activities in a more efficient, productive manner; Overcome Procrastination quickly and easily; Organize workspace and workflow to make better use of time; Know when to Delegate and do so more effectively and more.

The Success Series One-Day Programs

These accelerated learning programs offer 1- day dynamic workshops that will provide fresh insights and boost results dramatically!

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