Team Engage

Team Engage exists to support the success of the individual coaches and to enhance the power of the worldwide FocalPoint Business Coaching and Training brand. We do this via advocacy on behalf of the coaches through “Voice of the Coach” initiatives that include surveys, focus groups, and ad hoc initiatives. Voice of the Coach feedback is vetted by Team Engage and communicated to the FocalPoint Home Office (FPHO). ENGAGE will focus on those activities which benefit the majority of coaches and will support new initiatives in an advisory capacity from development through rollout.

Engage members work closely with Area Representative Council (ARC) to vet new initiatives and assist with communication to all FocalPoint stakeholders.  

ENGAGE is an interchange of communication between coaches and FPHO collectively pursuing continuous improvement in critical areas such as:

  • Lead generating opportunities
  • Revenue generating opportunities
  • Productivity tools
  • Product positioning and evaluation (Raising the bar)
  • Global standards and diversity
  • ENGAGE will consist of one Area Representative (AR) and seven (7) Coaches. Terms are three years and can be extended an additional year by a majority vote from current ENGAGE members.

All incoming members will be nominated and voted on by the entire FocalPoint community. Vetting will be conducted by the ENGAGE chair and the FPHO representative or an appointment from him/her prior to a nominee being included on the ballot. Nominations will begin in April, with voting in May. Each Coach will be asked to cast votes based on the number of open positions (e.g. 3 openings – 3 votes). New members begin their service in June. 

The AR will be appointed to ENGAGE by the incoming Chair for a one-year term. The Incoming Chair will be voted on by ENGAGE members each year in the first meeting following the FocalPoint annual Conference.

ENGAGE will have a representative(s) from the FPHO office on the call to report on current initiatives.

Calls will take place every two weeks and will be recorded for distribution and follow-up as a working agenda.

Current Members and Terms

ARC representative

Term expires 2024

expires 2024

Term expires 2026

Term expires 2026

Term expires 2024

Term expires 2025

Term expires 2025

Term expires 2025

Contact Team Engage at engage@focalpointcoaching.com.

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